Changing my Mindset

With this being my first blog on this site, I’d like to start with a preface that I have recently had a change of mindset.  I attended a retreat this past weekend that really opened my eyes to what I have been so naive about for the past 29 years, 26 weeks, and 6 days.  <Do the math if you wish to get me a birthday present on my 30th! :)> I won’t get into ALL that I have learned over the past few days but I do want you to know that most of my blogs will be stories of Rachael Richmond PRE BLOWING OF MIND!  Don’t judge me.  Or do. Whatever you wish!

Oh and also…random…I get that my punctuation and grammar isn’t stellar…it’s noted.

It’s insane to me that I literally have gone through my entire life with NO goals.  NONE.  Not for myself anyway….  I am a mom…I have goals for my children.  But what about me?

Someone asked me at the retreat a few days ago, what I did for a living.  I said, you know…I’m in corporate america…but this isn’t what I WANT to do…I explained that I’m a wife and a mom and have had to make money….She said, “well…what do you like to do for YOU?”  ~~~~~~~CRICKETS~~~~~~~~  HOW EMBARRASSING! I kid you not….after a good 10 long silent seconds, I said, “I don’t know….” In this moment, I wanted to crawl under the table.  But the more I thought about it, the more I thought…how EXCITING!  I can be anyone, do anything I want!  It’s like starting from scratch as a child in an imagination fueled world!  So what DO I like to do?  I like to paint…but I SUCK at it….I like to play softball…but I am not good at it…  What do I like to do that I could be good at and maybe, God willing, I could make money at?  That’s the dream.  I’m hoping that by exploring myself throughout the life of this blog, I can answer that question for myself.  I’m bouncing around a few ideas already!

Until then….I want to share!  I feel like I have a lot to say and I am excited for the platform to say it on!  Whether NO ONE reads this or EVERYONE reads this…I still feel better! 🙂

I am confident that, if you don’t already think so, you will soon have a very accurate assumption that I am a random person!  My mind goes to left field now and then but I’ll do my best to reel myself back in when I go too far off topic.

Bye for now.


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