How to Have the Best Summer Ever! For Tired Momma’s 

So, I know that summer is half way over.  My bad!  Where has the time gone!?

Some of you suggested that, for this blog, I give advice on how a busy mom can get through her summer without losing her mind!  Well….I haven’t lost mine yet so let’s see if I can help!


The way I grew up, and the way my kids are growing up, Momma and Daddy still gotta work even though the little ones are out of school! (By the way….why is the minimum working age so high….I think these little tax deductions ought to start pulling their weight even more financially at this point!  They are 11 and 7 now….they have some skills!…)  So it’s really hard, as working parents, to make lasting summer memories and ensure your kids have a good break before they go back to school!  Now me….if I could just like…SLEEP for 9 weeks, I’d have the best break ever….but kids, for some reason, do not wish to sleep!  They wish to have fun and not be bored or else they are the biggest whiners, complainers, and ingrates ever!!!  High maintenance, I say!  Nonetheless, as mothers, we do wish to make their summer great all while not getting fired from our jobs due to attendance and not breaking our bank account!  Here are Rachael’s tips for saving your summer:


Get the kids involved.  They LOVE this part…the planning!  Now, I’m not a planner so when I say “planning” what I mean is, just get a hit list together of things that you can, realistically, do during summer break.  Make categories…Paid outings-google things to do around where you live, research where you want to spend your memorial weekend and fourth of July holiday, look for discounts on family memberships to museums and such…Non paid things to do- list parks, find “kids eat free” days at restaurants, get on that Pinterest account that you created and write down the fun DIY projects and games that you saved, and then, as fill-in’s, list out different games you all like to play but don’t get much chance to.  Make sure you allow the kids’ input because that really gets them excited!  Then, of course, there will be the sporadic, sometimes impromptu family and/or friend gatherings.  Leave room for the potential for those too!



Just because you could probably go to the zoo, and the park, and the movies, and their favorite restaurant all in one day, does not mean that you should.  You start putting yourself on a strict time schedule so that you can get 4-5 things crossed off your list in the same day, not only are you quickly losing your “things to do” options but you are also wearing yourself, and your children, OUT!  If you pack your days full of STUFF, everyone will feel the tension when things are running behind or GOD FORBID it starts raining.  If the kids feel it, then they’ll start arguing.  Or if THEY are tired, they’ll just be grumpy butts which will, in turn, make you MOMMA grumpy butt!  This is why you have a few different categories listed in your Hit List…pick one that costs money, then pick one that does not.  That’s all…no more til next weekend!  You want QUALITY outings where you can actually NOT rush nor BE rushed, you can really STOP AND SMELL THOSE ROSES, and your kids will thank you for it!


  1. DO NOT…I repeat…DO NOT spoil your child because “it’s summer and we’re all having fun”!!!!

Do not let your child run over you, get to make every decision, never hear the word no!!! In fact, just to make sure everyone is staying kosher and no one starts to forget , smack them on the rear every once in a while for no reason just to keep them on their toes and remind them who momma is!  If they are arguing or disobeying or just being plain brats, cancel your outing!  If it’s just one being bad-make he/she watch as the rest of you have fun.  Don’t do what I do all.the.time. and let your own guilt of your shortcomings adjust how you parent….you are the mom…they are the child.  End of story!  Just because you are trying to be fun mom doesn’t mean you won’t be whoop that tail mom if you need to be!  And they need to know that!


  1. Invite friends with kids!

I don’t know about you, but nothing is more fun, to me, than getting with my other mom friends and let our kids play together while we talk smack about our adorable little angel/devils! With taste, of course!  I wouldn’t “gossip” about them, per say, but I do so enjoy getting nods and hollers of affirmation from my friends when I tell them that I hid in my bathroom and ate ALL of the rest of the banana pudding ice cream because it’s freaking mine and them brats already ate all of the cookie dough!  When you ask your friend if she ever feels like she may be raising the next Hitler because your daughter is literally the bossiest child on the face of the planet to both other kids and to her own stuffed animals….and your friend says that it shows mad leadership skills and hers could be Hitler’s right hand man….it totally validates your crazy thoughts and softens your frustration!  Don’t be afraid to have “grown up” time while your kiddos play hide and go seek!



If you are just plain tired and don’t want to do stuff, then don’t.  If you have been invited to 2 family functions on a day when you are just feeling like straight dog barf…don’t go!  Be honest with them…”Sorry, not coming. Feel like dog barf”. Even if you have folks in the family or in your group of friends that may try to guilt you into coming, they’ll be aight.  Turn your phone on silent, take some Benadryl, and go to sleep!  (Don’t be afraid to slip some melatonin to the kids if you need an early bed time either….the recommended dosage, of course! J)  Here’s the summer definition of crazy—wearing yourself out and then feeling like a bad human when you need a break.  Also-DO NOT compare yourself, your outings, your family, and YOUR summer closely to someone else’s Facebook version of their perfect summer!  I can guarantee you theirs hasn’t been half as AWESOME has they will make it out to be!  They probably got poison ivy at that camp sight, got bitten by all the fire ants they didn’t see when they were taking that obnoxious selfie at that Indian Village,  got lobster fried and chapped at that janky water park, and haven’t spoken to each other in 4 days! Just sayin’!


Now go!!  Be off!! Finish this last half of summer with these tips in mind.  If it starts to not go your way….start over!  Stop being a sissy la-la! Life’s what you make it! (Thank YOU Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus/Crazy Psyco Lady)


Below is a link for my Pinterest DIY board…there are a few ideas on there if you need a starting point.

Bye for now,


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