Dear Attention Seeking Social Media Drama Addict(s),

Public disclaimer-this won’t be a sugar coated blog and may come off harsh.  There will be no fun photos this time! 🙂

Day after Day after Week after Week…there’s always at LEAST one in every crowd.  I’d like to preface the below content with this, before I get started….I am fully aware that if I don’t like someone or something that someone is putting out there on social media, I can simply unfriend, unfollow, hex, etc. said person from my feed.  That’s not what this is about.  I’m not only trying to save myself from this idiocracy, I’m trying to save the world here!  As most know, I’m all about some world peace…this is just an attempt to save everyone from the annoyance that is passive aggressive, attention seeking, drama queen-itis that so many apparently suffer from in this age of social media land.  It’s a pretty good stop towards world peace, don’t ya think?

That being said…

Dear Attention Seeking Social Media Drama Addict(s),

There are a million reasons you should stop/seek help/quit it!… However, let’s focus on the top 3, shall we?

Reasons why you DON’T leave passive aggressive or BEGGING for attention statuses on  your Social Media accounts:

  1. You are setting yourself up for major disappointment.  Why do you do this to yourself?  Sure you’ll have the select few that will feed into your pettiness now and then (and YOU! I will get to YOU later!).  But no matter who feeds into it or how many feed into it….you will NEVER get what you are looking for.  There will ALWAYS be PLENTY who ignore your “OMG FML I want to die, what am I going to do?” posts.  Among the plenty will be several that you are actually hoping will ask you what is wrong.  They won’t ask you who made you mad, they won’t ask you where you are when you simply say, “it sucks here”and they won’t ask you what happened.  It may be because they haven’t seen your post or it may be because they are simply immune to the pleas for attention at this point.  Either way, you won’t be satisfied, you WILL be disappointed, and it WILL, obviously, add to your already terrible for whatever reason kinda day! Stop it!
  2. You are attracting the wrong type of friends.  You don’t need the type of friends that are enablers to your antics.  Enablers are not friends that you should seek out and are not friends that you should grow closer with.  I almost judge the enablers more than I do the attention whores….I know I know…I shouldn’t judge!  It’s real hard sometimes not to!  You are obviously in a place in your life where you are struggling.  I will give you that….in what type of way, only you know, but it’s counter-productive of you to seek help from random folks online who don’t know any better but to egg you on.  Quit it!
  3. You are NOT attracting the RIGHT type of friends.  What everyone needs are some honest, fairly blunt, tell you like it is type of friends.  MATURE friends is what I call them.  Straight shooters….their mere presence in your life will teach you to say what you need to say and not to barely halfway kinda say it but not really say it.  They will also pay you ZERO attention when you are being ridiculous and seeking it out.  They WILL, however, give you advice when you call them and tell them your freaking issue!  Even if their advice is to “suck it up buttercup”.  It’s still mature advice, sometimes! 🙂 When you don’t attract the right type of friends, you are digging yourself into an even bigger poor pitiful me hole than you were in before! GET OUT!

Chances are there is 1 of 3 reasons you are acting like this:

  1. Boredom—in which case, read a book, fly a kite, learn to knit, make a mud pie.  SOMETHING.
  2. You need to feel important—instead, do something great! Work towards a Nobel Peace Prize instead of getting 14 likes on Facebook in 10 minutes because of your newly created and mysterious #worstfreakingdayofmylifeeverlikeever.
  3. You are having a pity party— I get it…to an extent.  Everyone has them from time to time.  Everyone is entitled to such and, honestly, everyone NEEDS a SELF pity party now and then.  However…going back to my #1 reason up there that folks do it….you aren’t helping anything by half way airing out your dirty laundry, by creating an illusion, whether true or false, of your potential onset of depression using an outlet that MOST seek out for bullying purposes.  You won’t get what it is you are looking for, you’ll PROBABLY get the opposite, so STOP setting yourself up for that anticlimactic letdown from the post you thought FOR SURE would get some traffic!!!  Have your pity party and then get out your positive thought for the day toilet paper and force that frown upside down!!

Now…for the self proclaimed well-intended enablers out there…instead of saying, “omg what’s wrong?” or “what happened?” or “who should I kill for you?”….how’s about you pick up the phone, call your friend, get him/her out of the pity-party hole that they are in long enough to answer the phone, and tell your friend to QUIT IT!  To either ask advice specifying details or don’t… one can help someone who simply says, “omg my life is over what am I going to do?”.  Be a good friend by slapping them upside the head one good time and tell them to get their big girl panties on and deal with it! Or at LEAST, if NOTHING else, USE SPECIFICS!  Anyone who has ever written any type of anything ever, whether for school, work, or leisure, knows…the more detail the better!  If you can’t look at it any other way, look at it like you are trying to get an A in literature!

Lastly, if you are truly needing help, cannot get out of your depression, or even contemplating suicide, PLEASE do not seek help on social media…Program this number in your phone and get the help that you deserve.  Suicide Hotline-1-800-273-8255

Like I said, this isn’t necessarily a kind blog and may not even be helpful.  But I feel better! 🙂

Carry on!

Bye for now,


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