It’s been over 2 years

Wow. June 2018. The last time I wrote on this blog. Since then, I did attempt a new blog, with a new vision. It got blurred. I think it always does. The enemy really knows how and when to get me. 2 years….

I have changed. As one does over time. I am growing, I am being molded, I have become a better me. The past two years have brought trials and chaos that no one…EVER…could have imagined. That’s life, though. Right?!

I’m back. Not back to who I was but back to working towards the goals that I’ve set for myself. Back to intentionality in my growth and back to fighting against the devil with only the armor of God. It’s the only thing that will work!

I can’t wait to start talking to you again! When I do, I’m really talking to myself and whoever gets something out of it, is a plus! Time to start taking back control over who I am and what I love. WRITING!

Bye for now,


One thought on “It’s been over 2 years

  1. I love you baby girl. I also love being your grandma. Keep on believing that God can and will use you in a mighty way for His kingdom.


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