Are you allowing your prayers to be answered?

When we pray, we often times ask God for something. Not always, but sometimes. Whether it be something monetary, tangible, or emotional, typically we are always asking Him for something.

I wonder though, are we standing in our own way of receiving answers to our prayers?

I have been praying for God to help me forgive certain people in my life. Praying for the grudge that I want so much to get rid of to just lift, with our without the desire of the forgiven. But am I allowing myself to forgive? I don’t think that I am. I haven’t done anything to move forward and I certainly haven’t been listening for the reconciliation from God…

What are your prayers that you may not be willing to receive the answers to?

I pray to get out of debt, but yet still spend money unnecessarily.

I pray to be well but don’t take the steps to improve my health

I pray to be a better wife and mom but yet still go to bed and watch Hallmark Movies when I should be spending quality time with my family.

I pray for forgiveness from important people in my life but avoid them like the plague.

I pray to forgive but don’t meditate on it after I pray….therefore, don’t work on it when I should be.

I just wonder how often we all are getting in our own way. Getting in the way of hearing, receiving, seeing the answers to the prayers we pray to God every day!

What are some ways we could get out of the habit?

  1. Meditate more often. Meditating on our prayers and God’s word keeps these at the forefronts of our mind all day.
  2. Get some accountability partners. Find like minded people to share your prayers with to keep checking on you and praying alongside you.
  3. Keep a journal. Write things down. Most times, getting negative thoughts out of your mind, out on paper, will make you feel better! If nothing else, scream them outload! Get them out! And don’t let them back in. Find whatever outlet that works best for you.
  4. Be descriptive, break down your prayers when you pray. Even the smallest detail needs praying for. We all know God knows our hearts and knows what we are going to pray for before we do. But think of it like this, for you parents…you know when your child is scared, hurt, worried…you know their hearts. But hearing them say these things out loud warms your heart far more than you just knowing that they feel this way. Let God know how you feel. Ask Him for specifics. He likes that. He loves to hear your voice.

Bye for now,


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