WE ARE ALL A WORK IN PROGRESS- the reality about salvation

Have you ever wanted a gift so bad, hinted to everyone, talked about it constantly, maybe even prayed you get it and then….you GOT IT! You FINALLY got it! You open it, so excited….and then realize you have no idea how to use it? The instructions aren’t clear, maybe they are even written in a different language, maybe they are just too “over your head” and you don’t understand? Maybe there are just too many steps….You lose patience….

Salvation is the biggest life change you will EVER go through. Bigger than becoming a parent, earning your degree, losing a limb…. Salvation changes your ETERNITY. That is HUGE. Please don’t misunderstand me to think I don’t feel like salvation is life changing. It absolutely is. But here’s the problem…

Some who are entering salvation, thinking about it, even those who are watching a loved one give their lives to God…FINALLY…after all of your prayers, all of these years… Expect the person/yourself, to make a complete 180 in their lives, be a completely different person. Be perfect. After all, the blood of Christ has washed them clean from their sins and does so every single day. The BIG picture, you are now going to spend eternity in Heaven with our Lord instead of in Hell with satan. that is HUGE! The biggest change EVER! But then…you still see the imperfect person. The same person.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if, once we accept Jesus into our hearts, that happened? We became quintessential, right there, right then? Instant change, immediate turnaround. Instantaneous PERFECTION!

The truth is, the perfect eternal vision you have for salvation is not what happens next. It’s not step 2 after giving your heart to God. It’s not what happens now. It is now what your new, forever, life goal is.

Your expectation now turns into your life’s mission. Perfect eternity, All-knowing faith, side-by-side with God.

You will never meet not one human person who is a perfect Christian. That doesn’t exist.

That’s not how it happens.

Salvation does not perfect, it corrects.

Salvation doesn’t construct a flawless future, it convicts your flawed heart.

The fact of the matter is, it is humanly impossible to focus on the eternal end goal every moment of the day. Being saved doesn’t mean you don’t still have worldly responsibilities nor does it mean you won’t have imperfect impulses, addictions, TEMPTATIONS, desires…

It means that you have replaced your conscience with the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

It is up to you to listen to those convictions, get to know God more and more everyday (Ephesians 1:15-17), be a better person (Acts 11:23-24), stop cursing (Proverbs 4:24) , work on your anger issues (Psalm 37:8) , do all work as if you are working for the Lord (Colossians 3:23)….etc. etc. etc…

It’s up to YOU to listen and work on the areas in your life that need God’s intervention the most!

Salvation is the greatest gift you will ever receive. However, it won’t change who you are on the spot. It starts the change in your heart that works towards God’s plan for your life! Listen and move! Be humble and know the He is God and he’s got this!

Don’t beat yourself up when you realize you will never be perfect. The enemy will use all of those insecurities against you. Arm yourself!(1 Peter 4:1)

One thought on “WE ARE ALL A WORK IN PROGRESS- the reality about salvation

  1. This is the greatest truth I’ve ever read about life after salvation.
    You cannot imagine how thankful I am to God for the woHe is doing in your life.
    I love you baby girl.
    Mamaw Sue


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